



The 5 Types Of Intelligence We Should Know And Internalise In Children

According to the report by World Economic Forum’s Future of Jobs Report 2018., “it was stated that by the year 2022, the skills employees will need to be successful at workplace will include creativity, trustworthiness, emotional intelligence, and leadership.

Intelligence matters. But recently, business leaders have begun to place more emphasis on “soft skills”, those intangible qualities that make the difference between being considerate or mean coworker.

The intangible qualities that help you work and interact effectively with the people around you may be even better predictors of success than IQ, according to experts.

Here’s why: measuring up in soft skills improves teamwork, helps you be a better leader, and helps you work more efficiently.

Some might even net you a bigger paycheck.      

According to psychologists, there are five types of intelligence:       Intelligence Quotient (IQ)  Emotional  Quotient (EQ)    Social Quotient (SQ)    Adversity Quotient (AQ)    Curiosity   Quotient. (CQ)  

 Intelligence Quotient (IQ):

This was discovered by  psychologists like Alfred Binet and later conceptualized by psychologist William SternIQ includes qualities like analytical skills, logical reasoning, ability to relate multiple things, and ability to store and retrieve information.

It is the measure of your comprehension ability”, solve maths; memorize things and recall subject matters.

Intelligence Quotient

Breakdown  features of different Intelligence quotient Index  

– Average IQ is 100.
– 68% of the world population, have an IQ between 85 and 115.
– 95% of the world population, have an IQ between 70 and 130
– 50 out of every 130 has a high IQ.
– 134 out of every 100 people has a high IQ.
– From 250 to 140 is a high IQ.
– IQ above 140 = Very Superior or Genius that only 4% of the population
– IQ of 130-139 = Superior, only 2.5% of total population
– IQ of 120-130 = Gifted with only 8% of the population
– IQ of 110-119 = High Average
– IQ 90-110 = Average of 50% of the total population
– IQ 80-89 = Low Average
– IQ 70-79 = SPECIAL / below normal range

Minimum IQ requirement in some International Organizations when recruiting:
Professional managers: 114
Top-level managers: 108
Middle managers: 108
Director of Sales: 106
Employees: 104
Protective Services 103
Artists / artisans: 99
Staffing levels low: 96

Examples of rational intelligence Influencial people:

Abraham Lincoln = 128
Adolf Hitler = 141
Al Gore = 134
Albert Einstein = 160
Arnold Schwarzenegger = 135
Benjamin Franklin = 160
Bill Clinton = 137
Bill Gates = 160
Bobby Fischer Chess player = 187
Bonaparte Napoleon = 145
Charles Darwin Naturalist = 165
Charles Dickens = 180
Garry Kasparov = 190
George W. Bush = 125
George Washington = 118
Hillary Clinton = 140
Hugo Grotius Writer = 200
Immanuel Kant Philosopher = 175
James Cook Explorer = 160
James Watt = 165
Jodie Foster = 132
Kim Ung-Yong = 200
Leonardo da Vinci = 220
Madonna = 140
Shakira Singer = 140
Sharon Stone = 154
Sir Isaac Newton = 190
Stephen W. Hawking = 160

 Emotional Quotient (EQ):

  This is the measure of your ability to maintain peace with others, keep to time, be responsible; be dependable, be honest; respect boundaries, be humble, genuine and considerate.    

Emotional Qoutient

Emotional Intelligence is the skill set through which we expand the capacity to tolerate.

An ideal example  will  be the  imprisonment of Nelson Mandela for 27-years: knowing his purpose and his plan for realising it, while not-knowing how long it would take for progress to be made nor what the forces beyond his control would do to derail him.    

 An article in The Guardian, provides an example of Mandela’s approach to creating such a partnership which occurred upon his taking on the role of President of South Africa in in 1994.

  The day after his inauguration, walking into the office for the first time, he encountered John Reinders, an Afrikaner who had been chief of presidential protocol during the tenure both of the last white president, FW de Klerk, and his predecessor, PW Botha.

In other words, a high-ranking person from the team that imprisoned him and oppressed his people. Reinders was packing up his things and heading off to a post of much lower status now that his party was out of power.   The emotionally intelligent politician, Mandela persuaded Reinders to stay on. “You see, we people, we are from the bush,” he said. “We do not know how to administer a body as complex as the presidency of South Africa. We need the help of experienced people such as yourself. I would ask you, please, to stay at your post. I intend only to serve for one presidential term and then, of course, you would be free to do as you wish.”

Reinders worked with Mandela for five years.  

 Social Quotient (SQ):

According to Socialigence, ” Social quotient is ability of a person to tune into other people’s emotions and read the subtle behavioral cues to choose the most effective response in a given situation”.

And Social Intelligence will be the most sought after of all the intelligence and its the future! This is because of its interpersonal interaction has and emotional subtext it has.

And most of that emotional undertone gets manifested less through words and more through the nonverbal behaviors like gestures, expressions, postures, vocal cues or for that matter, the way one has shaped one’s personal environment.

Now, in order to excel in various roles that we play – whether its our relationship with spouse, parent, friend, coworker, children, manager, marketer, teacher, leader etc.,

It is important to understand  how emotions work and a skill to observe someone’s nonverbal behavior to understand the counterpart emotions in people we are relating to.

It is not some talent you are born with. It is a skill that can be learnt, practiced and mastered.

 The Adversity Quotient (AQ): 

The gauge of how a person responds to difficult situations.

Let take for instance, when something goes wrong  at either  work or home, How do you react?

Do you run around like a headless chicken, grasping at every available straw to find a solution?

Or do you keep your wits about you, figure out a fix, and learn something that will help get you out of the next pickle?

Your answer reveals a lot about your AQ, or adversity quotient, a measure developed by Dr. Paul Stoltz in his book Adversity Quotient: Turning Obstacles Into Opportunities, that tests how well people can turn bad situations around.

“It is the gauge – the current global gold standard – of how a person responds to the tough stuff,” says Soltz.

Some classic high AQ tendencies include: greater optimism, the ability to solve problems and innovate, agility, and accountability.

“Everyone faces ever-greater uncertainty, ambiguity, volatility, complexity, pace, demands, intensity. Equipping ourselves to thrive in this kind of weather is what AQ is all about,” says Soltz.

It is the  measure of the ability to  go through difficult situation  in life and come out without losing one’s mind.

AQ determines who will give up in face of troubles and may abandon their families during distress.

How to build your adversity quotient

Like EQ, AQ can be grown. First, says Soltz, you have to be aware of how you react to adversity. He suggests paying attention to your CORE.

C: Control. To what extent do you perceive you can influence whatever happens next? And focus on those facets you could potentially influence.

O: Ownership. Where and how can you step up to make the most immediate, positive difference?

R: Reach. What can you do to minimize any potential fallout, or downside? 

E: Endurance. How can you get past this as quickly as possible?

 Curiosity   Quotient. (CQ)

Curiosity may have claimed the life of many a feline, but it’s one of the most important traits humans can develop.

Curiosity has been linked to greater learning, engagement, and performance at work. Being curious about new technologies or new ways of doing things can help you adapt to new job challenges, and asking questions can yield information that helps you solve challenging problems.  

It is crucial that   parents expose children to other areas of life than just academic. They should adore manual work (never use work as a form of punishment), sport and art .  

People that have higher EQ and SQ tend to go further in life than those with high IQ but low EQ and SQ. Most schools capitalize in improving IQ level while EQ and SQ are played down.  

A man of high IQ can end up being employed by a man of high EQ and SQ even though he has an average IQ.   Your EQ represents your character; your SQ represents your charisma.

Give in to habits that will improve these three Qs but more especially your EQ and SQ.   EQ and SQ make one manage relationship better than the other.   

Please don’t teach children only to have higher IQ , but also to have higher EQ and SQ.    Developing children  EQ, SQ and AQ help children to  become multifaceted human beings able to do things independently of the parents assistance.  

Finally, do not handle the fish to the children, give them hook and teach them how to  fish from the pond. Feel free to share with us in the comment session any other type go intelligence quotient you know…

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